Breema in Daily Life

Angela Porter shares how through the unifying principles and practice of Breema she discovers the relationship she has been searching for her whole life, the one with herself.

Being Available to Life

Jun 23, 2020

by Angela Porter

Because of studying Breema, there is something in me that knows the taste of body, and also recognizes the difference between that taste and when I’m caught in my thoughts. It’s not about becoming better or becoming anything; it’s about being, in this moment. Not Angela being, just being, just that, and Angela is included. If it’s about being anything, it’s about being available to life.

When I connect to this body, I am more available to life. It sounds simple, yet when I have this taste, there is absolutely nothing else I want. I know that this being, this aliveness, this unity, is what I want and what I have, in some way, been looking for my whole life. 

Angela Porter, MFT, is an international instructor at the Breema Center. She has a private holistic behavioral therapy practice at Greeting Health in Oakland, California.

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