Breema in Daily Life

Miguel Alonso practices Self-Breema online to support his life.

Either Worry or Know You Are Breathing

Nov 25, 2021

by Miguel Alonso

Since I am the only Instructor, Practitioner, and almost the only student of Breema in the city where I live, my relationship to Breema and the Nine Principles of Harmony has always been mainly with Self-Breema. 

At the same time, I must admit that even though I really recognize the benefits of Self-Breema, my mind is very good at making excuses not to practice it (better tomorrow, or you have more important things to do, and so on). That is one of the reasons I so much appreciate the online classes offered by the Center and other fellow Instructors. They are an amazing opportunity to overcome inertia and set up my day.

I usually attend the classes in my bedroom in front of my tablet surrounded by my bed and the closet, which might not seem from the outside like a very nurturing environment. It doesn’t matter. Once the class starts, I am in. The taste of body-mind connection takes over as soon as I start doing the exercises and I do experience that I am in a real class.

Becoming familiar with that body-mind connection is what I really appreciate about these classes. The more I participate in them, the better my ability is to bring that connection to other areas of life. As an example, a few days ago, I found myself sitting at my desk in the office with a grounded taste of just being there. I knew that came from my Self-Breema practice. Usually when I am working at my job, I am caught in the past and future. That hasn’t stopped yet; I still go through those moments. At the same time, little by little, I am developing more trust in the Principles of Breema as a support to navigate in life. As one Self-Breema title describes, I see that for every single event there are two options: Either Worry or Know You Are Breathing.

Miguel Á Alonso has a Law Degree and has been practicing the Nine Principles in his day-to-day life since 2003. He is a certified Breema instructor and has taught classes at the Breema Center and at workshops in Israel and Barcelona. He is currently based in Madrid, Spain, and teaches an ongoing online bilingual Self-Breema class. To find more of Miguel's classes, visit

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