Breema in Daily Life

Alexandra Johnson shares how Breema reduces anxiety and harmonizes the body, mind, and feelings.

Quiet the Mind with Breema

Oct 20, 2021

by Alexandra Johnson, MD

Today I was giving Breema to someone who came for support for an anxious mind. When I began the treatment, I felt how tense her body was. My first thought was that for the treatment to be successful, I had to somehow quiet her mind—as if I could!

Then I remembered the principle of No Judgment. I saw that my mind was full of judgments. As I placed my hand on her body, my own thoughts were racing. I continued the treatment, while becoming more and more receptive to the quality of my touch. I made sure that my touch had No Force and had the quality of Firmness and Gentleness. By bringing the Nine Principles of Harmony into the session, my mind and body came together and participated in the treatment. I was no longer lost in concepts or judgments. The recipient and I both sighed at the same moment as we each relaxed into the session. We were both receiving the nurturing, balancing effect of Breema. In the atmosphere of acceptance, her body, mind, and feelings were able to come to a more harmonious and comfortable state.

In our daily life, we are surrounded by many external stimuli that tend to produce stress, tension, and anxiety. When the body, mind, and feelings are in harmony, we can see the content of our thoughts and feelings, and know whether they are draining us or have any wisdom to offer.

Breema bodywork and Self-Breema can offer powerful support for reducing anxiety and ameliorating other physiological, mental, or emotional imbalances. They offer a direct experience of body-mind connection that connects us to the instinctive wisdom of the body.

Alexandra Johnson, MD is a Family Physician, and a Breema Practitioner and  Instructor for over 20 years. In her practice, she has found Breema’s non-judgmental atmosphere to be invaluable in working with any health condition. She began working as a Practitioner at the Breema Clinic in 2002, and since 2017 offers Breema bodywork at the Clinic in conjunction with Integrative Family Medicine. Visit to experience a one-on-one Self-Breema session, first session is free.

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