Breema in Daily Life

Discovering the Natural Rhythm of the Body Sep 23, 2021

by Jon Schreiber

We live on a planet of rhythm, in a rhythmic universe. From the Megalocosmos, to Nature, to our body, all the way to the physiologic systems that sustain our life, even down to the m...

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Deepening the Connection to the Body Aug 25, 2021

by Susan Mankowski

As my lifetime unfolds on this earth, I am discovering that there is more unknown about the body than known. This evolving mystery of who and what I am is no longer a search for me...

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Life Touching Life Jul 22, 2021

by Rolinda Schonwald

I attended my first Breema workshop many years ago at a time when no “notes” were given. Instead, we were to take an impression and use what comes alive for us—a novel way to lea...

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Connection and Simplicity with Self-Breema Jun 23, 2021

by Elisa Matesanz

Practicing Self-Breema is supporting me to bring Breema into my daily life. It helps me remember that every activity can be done as a Self-Breema and I can be supported by the princ...

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Real Connection Starts with Me May 23, 2021

by Alexis Mulhauser

Originally published in the 2020 Conscious Dancer Newsletter

A quote from a Breema book says, “Ideas are exciting, but this moment is real.” When I first took the quote in, I rem...

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